Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Engitech is a values-driven technology agency dedicated.



411 University St, Seattle, USA


+1 -800-456-478-23

// Immersive applications that suit the client needs

We Provide Best
Web Development

When the packaged CMS or pre-built E-commerce solution fails to meet the customer’s requirements, we provide a custom website development option. Our team has vast experience in developing websites and applications of various types, complexities, and budgets.

At My Friend Info Solutions, we adopt a back-to-basics approach to understand the specific needs of our clients and their users. We create customized solutions from scratch, utilizing industry-standard development frameworks, ensuring that they align perfectly with your requirements and remain sustainable in the long run.

// technology index

We are a leading web development company.

My Friend Info Solutions provides web development services that deliver effective results while being cost-efficient. Our skilled developers specialize in building advanced systems capable of handling large volumes of transactions and data. Get in touch with us to discover how we can assist your business in reaching its digital objectives.

Our custom web development services are designed to address your business challenges by streamlining the implementation of marketing strategies and processes. With our team’s extensive knowledge of web application development technology, creative abilities, and understanding of business dynamics, we have successfully achieved rapid and measurable growth for our clients on the internet.

// My Performance

Our Services Include

We offer a wide range of web development services to cater to diverse needs:

  • We specialize in web enablement, helping you transform legacy applications into modern web-based systems. 
  • Our team creates customized web portal solutions tailored to your specific requirements.
  • We provide extensive e-commerce solutions, empowering your business to thrive online.
  • Our expertise includes custom social network development, enabling you to build engaging online communities.
  • We assist in creating a learning organization by developing web-based solutions that facilitate knowledge sharing and training.
  • We excel in community website development, fostering collaboration and interaction among your target audience.
  • We offer work attendance and clocking websites to streamline time management processes within your organization.
Custom Web Development

We offer bespoke web development services tailored to your specific needs, ensuring a unique and personalized online presence for your business. Our experienced team utilizes cutting-edge technologies to deliver high-quality and scalable custom web solutions.

REST API development

We excel in REST API development, creating robust and scalable interfaces to facilitate seamless communication between different systems. Our expertise in RESTful architecture ensures efficient data exchange and integration capabilities for your applications.

API Integration Services

Our API integration services ensure seamless integration of various software systems, allowing efficient data exchange and enhancing overall functionality. We have the expertise to integrate APIs across diverse platforms, enabling streamlined communication and improved business processes.

Microservices Consultation

We offer expert consultation services for microservices architecture, helping businesses leverage its benefits such as scalability, flexibility, and resilience. Our team provides guidance in designing and implementing effective microservices solutions tailored to your specific requirements.

AI/ML Integration Services

We offer AI/ML integration services to seamlessly incorporate artificial intelligence and machine learning capabilities into your applications and systems. Our expertise in this field allows us to enhance your solutions with intelligent features, predictive analysis, and automation, empowering your business with advanced technological capabilities.

.Open Source Framework Expert

We are experts in open source frameworks, leveraging their power and flexibility to create robust and scalable web solutions. Our deep knowledge and proficiency in open source technologies enable us to deliver exceptional results for our clients.

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